Monday, March 12, 2012

White House Withdrew Carla M. León-Decker Nomination

The White House withdrew the nomination of Carla M. León-Decker to be a Member of the National Credit Union Administration Board for a term expiring August 2, 2017. Carla M. León-Decker was nominated to replace Board Member Gigi Hyland, whose term had expired.


  1. Just take one look at her D.C. Credit Union Call Report. Call her the "Decker Wrecker" - How much money do you have to lose in order to get nominated to be the NCUA regulator?

  2. That's not fair. She inherited that major unexplained loss, and has spent a great deal of time and effort to resolve it. Preceeding staff....

  3. If you can't manage a single credit union on a profitable basis, why would the President nominate you to a national supervisory role?
    It is commendable that her nomination was withdrawn.

    It is embarrassing the some national credit union organizations initially supported this faulty candidate.

    DC Credit Union Charter No.: 16411
    12-2007 NEGATIVE INCOME $119,797
    12-2008 NEGATIVE INCOME $369,382
    12-2009 NEGATIVE INCOME $483,946
    12-2010 NEGATIVE INCOME $322,790
    12-2011 POSITIVE INCOME $101,625
    Why positive in 2011? Could it be related to the Subordinated Debt totaling: $1,522,000? And tell me, when if ever does the credit union plan to paydown or payoff the $1,522,000?



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