Thursday, March 10, 2016

Knovxville TVA Employees Credit Union Buys Naming Rights to Ballpark

Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union has bought the naming rights to the home stadium of the Johnson City (TN) Cardinals.

The Johnson City Cardinals are a minor league affiliate (Appalachian League) of the St. Louis Cardinals.

Details of the sponsorship package was not disclosed.

Maybe a member of this credit union will ask the Board and management at the upcoming March 22 Annual Meeting what is the price tag of this deal and is this the best use of the members' funds.

Read the story.


  1. Serving the underserved.
    A real damaging expose would be the MILLIONS spent on this stuf plus all the industry BOONDOGGLES while they whine about how we whine we are for the little guy.
    ANYTHING to not have to pay taxes and be accountable.
    Members don't hold cus accountable.
    If they did, there wouldn't be a movement.

  2. I wonder how many shareholders would support banks spending tax-deductible marketing and promotional money on stadia deals. Would those shareholders be able to ask their Board members in the same manner available to CU member-owners at their annual meetings?

    1. This is hilarious.
      You're joking right?l
      How many members in the country, not an employee also, attended a board meeting this month?
      Name them.
      Would the bank shareholder able to communicate with the bank board?
      Yes and they do.
      Do cu members attend meetings, vote for
      Do credit unions enjoy a federal tax exemption and then conduct business as a bank?
      Do they whine about not having the same powers as a bank?
      What you and CUNA better hope for is that members DONT find out about the money wasted on sending directors on boondoggle conferences and board retreats.
      Now, go back to your CUNA cubicle and miscount the number of members credit unions have.



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