Friday, November 27, 2015

TDECU Commissioned Mural for TDECU Stadium Suite

TDECU commissioned artist Suzanne Sellers to create a mural for its suite at TDECU Stadium at the University of Houston.

The piece entitled: Victory, Character and Strength captures the driving spirit behind the University of Houston’s storied football program.

TDECU did not disclose the cost for the artwork.

Is commissioning artwork for a suite at a football stadium part of a credit union's tax exempt mission?

I also wonder if the members of the credit union think this is a good use of their money.

Read the press release.


  1. Most credit union executives and boards appear to be using member's equity as their personal slush fund. I wish I could be optimistic that lawmakers would do the right thing and start taxing this lunacy but I'm afraid that won't happen until we reach the brink of financial collapse (should that ever occur). Keep up the great work by getting this information to the masses. Best regards.

    1. Please remember that, if taxpaying, this expense would be deductible from income reducing the net taxes paid by the credit union. Banks get these kind of deductions all the time. How BofA pays for the Panthers field in Charlotte and Wells for the Flyers stadium in Philly and the Arizona State basketball arena (among others).



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