Wednesday, March 25, 2015

NEFCU Launches Anti-Bank TV Commercial

Newsday is reporting on a new TV commercial by Nassau Educators FCU (NEFCU) that takes a shot at bankers as uncaring.

The commercial shows three bankers dancing and singing "If I Only Had a Heart" from The Wizard of Oz.

However, after reading online reviews about NEFCU, a couple of the reviews of the $2 billion credit union would question whether this credit union had a heart.

Read the story.

1 comment:

  1. If NEFCU only had a brain.
    We discussed negative bank ads at our last board meeting.
    Completed WASTE of member money.
    Negative ads don't build business, they alienate and offend the customer of the competitor because the ad implies the customer of the bank is an idiot for banking at a bank.
    With over 90% market share! banks must be doing something right.
    Take the high road.
    Why are you better?
    Prove it.



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