Wednesday, March 5, 2014

561 Credit Unions Were Late in Filing Their Call Reports

The National Credit Union Administration reported that 561 federally insured credit unions filed their fourth-quarter Call Reports late or made corrections after the January 24th deadline.

However, this was a substantial improvement from a year earlier when 1,744 credit unions failed to file on time.

For the first three quarters of 2013, an average of 1,048 credit unions filed late each quarter.

NCUA has warned credit unions that beginning with the 1st quarter 2014 Call Report credit unions would face civil money penalties for filing late call reports.

Read the press release.


  1. Why are they allowed to have federal insurance?
    Liquidate them.
    Bet theres at least 20 shiloh fraudsters in there.
    What is average assets of this group and which are the 5 largest and what is the roa?

  2. Wonder how many of the 561 are FCUs that will wind up having their call reports completed by NCUA examiners, like usual?



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