Thursday, January 2, 2014

CU Discount Window Loans, Q4 2011

In the fourth quarter of 2011, 20 credit unions borrowed from the Federal Reserve's Discount Window. The total amount borrowed during the quarter was $82.6 million.

The Dodd-Frank Act requires the Federal Reserve to release detailed transaction information about discount window lending to depository institutions. The information is released with a two-year time lag.

The average amount borrowed was just shy of $2.2 million, while the median-size discount window loan was $384,000.

The most active borrowers from the discount window were Mutual Savings CU of Atlanta (GA) and Building Trades FCU of Maple Grove (MN). Mutual Savings CU accessed the discount window 10 times during the quarter and Building Trades FCU borrowed 8 times from the discount window during the fourth quarter of 2011.

The largest amount borrowed was $25 million by Delta Community CU of Atlanta (GA).

One credit union, North Star Community CU in Maddock (ND), accessed the Federal Reserve's seasonal credit program.

Below is a list of the credit unions that borrowed from the discount window and the amount they borrowed (click on image to enlarge).

1 comment:

  1. Ken, how much did your employers member take from the Discount Window ? Is this data that you are reporting of any major consequence to anyone ?



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