Friday, December 27, 2013

Undercapitalized Credit Unions, Q3 2013

At the end of the third quarter of 2013, there were 68 credit unions that were undercapitalized. This is down from 82 credit unions as of June 2013 and 104 credit unions from a year ago.

Three credit unions were critically undercapitalized and 13 credit unions were significantly undercapitalized, as of September 30th.

In addition, several complex credit unions were classified as undercapitalized because their risk-based net worth ratios exceeded their net worth ratios.


  1. I see Texans is still on the list. Whatever has happened to the 60M from the NCUA? If you count that, they have negative capital

  2. So why doesn't the NCUA just shut down these poorly performing credit unions? Instead they permit them to bleed out until they become a financial drain and a burden on the entire industry. Consistent negative earnings. Consistent decline in net worth ratios. Do we see a trend? NCUA = Not Credit Union Accountable



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