Wednesday, December 12, 2012

NCUA's Denial of FOIA

On October 1, I filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with NCUA regarding all communications the agency had with certain individuals that opposed Technology Credit Union's conversion to a mutual savings bank charter.

Almost two months later, NCUA denied my request. NCUA stated that the disclosure of these communications "would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy."

Below is NCUA's November 29 letter (click on the letter to enlarge).


  1. They did not choose to STAY in their personal privacy. These are very public activist shareholders. It is an insurgent network of sorts that needs to be identifiable to the true personal and private members of the next credit union they target before they can undermine another credit union's democratic process.

  2. Mr Leggett.
    Appeal it and send copies to Issa and hensarling
    Have often wondered how the nice people that work at NCUA feel about the terrible actions of their agency.
    The person that signed this letter might be one of them.
    How does she feel to be the NCUA version of Susan Rice?



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