Friday, July 24, 2020

CEOs at Large State Chartered CEOs Earned 12.5 Times Average Employee Compensation

In 2018, Chief Executive Officers at state chartered credit unions with at least $1 billion in assets earned on average 12.5 times the average compensation of their employees.

The median ratio of CEO compensation to average credit union employee compensation was 10.99.

To calculate average credit union employee compensation, the analysis divided the Call Report line item Employee Compensation & Benefits by Full Time Equivalent Employees. Full Time Equivalent Employees = The Number of Full Time Employees + (0.5 times the Number of Part Time Employees).

The following table lists the 10 credit unions with the highest ratio of CEO compensation to average employee compensation. Elizabeth Dooley of Educational Employees Credit Union (Fresno, CA) had the highest ratio of CEO compensation to average employee compensation at 41.28.

However, this data should not be used to compare the compensation of bank CEOs to their employees. The information reported by publicly-traded banks uses median employee pay, while this analysis substitutes average employee compensation for median compensation, because median compensation is not available.

Median employee compensation would be lower than average employee compensation. In other words, if median compensation was used, the ratio of CEO compensation to median employee compensation would be higher.


  1. How does this number compare with the bank average?

  2. How does this figure compare with the bank average?

  3. The bank comparison average is not relevant. These folks here are pigs at the trough. Feed the Needy not the Greedy. What a waste of credit union assets. They offer below rate dividends and above market rate loans. WHY? To feed the greed.
