Wednesday, December 18, 2019

BankBeat Publisher: Time Is Right for A Serious Fight Against CUs

Tom Bengston, the publisher of BankBeat, wrote on December 16 that the time is right for a serious fight against credit unions.

He argues that in states where the credit union charter is more liberal than the federal charter, banker advocacy efforts should seek to rollback these state charters putting them on a par with the federal charter.

Second, Bengston states that "bankers in all states should work to level the taxation playing field for smaller institutions." But instead of taxing all credit unions, Bengston advocates banker efforts should focus on exempting smaller banks from taxation.

Finally, he proposes that the net income of larger credit unions should be subject to taxation. He notes that this would place these large credit unions on equal footing with large banks. Bengston suggests that the line for larger credit unions could be drawn at $500 million or $1 billion in assets.

Read the article.

1 comment:

  1. market share is $12T to $1T and it sounds like bankers are shaking in their boots
