Sunday, January 13, 2019

CU Volunteer Junket in Montego Bay

The Credit Union National Association (CUNA) is hosting its Volunteer Conference in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

The conference is scheduled for January 13 thru 16 at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa.

The price to the conference for CUNA member is $1795, while the non-member price is $3,590.

Room rates per day at the Hotel are $359 for a single and $430 for a double.

Along with educational sessions, the conference will include an optional catamaran cruise. In addition, the hotel has a championship golf course, water sports, and other amenities.

CUNA stated that credit union board members, supervisory committee members, and CEOs would benefit from this Caribbean junket.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent use of funds for credit union continuing education. Because we are tax exempt financial institutions we are not burdened with taxes. So we can afford these nice junkets. And of course the fat cats at CUNA also benefit from this frolic and detour from life.
