Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Truliant Is Not the Only "TRU" Financial Brand

Truliant Federal Credit Union (Winston Salem, NC) is suing SunTrust Banks and BB&T Corp. for trademark-infringement.

BB&T and SunTrust announced that when the merger is completed the combined entity would be called Truist Financial Corporation.

Truliant claims that the proposed name will create digital marketplace confusion, especially in the Charlotte and Triad markets.

But Truliant never protected its trademark from other financial institutions with TRU in their name.

Here is a list of active credit unions with TRU at the start of their names -- Trumark Financial (Fort Washington, PA), TruNorth (Ishpeming, MI), TruService Community (Little Rock, AR), TruStar (International Falls, MN), TruStone Financial (Plymouth, MN), TruWest (Tempe, AZ), TruChoice (South Portland, ME), TruGrocer (Boise, ID), and Truity (Bartlesville, OK).

This list does not include other financial services firms with TRU at the start of their names.

For example, TruWest says on its website that it makes the TruDifference. TruChoice on its website advertises TruAccounts, TruLoans, and TruRates.

It appears that Truliant is not the only TRU financial brand.

1 comment:

  1. yes, its not the only cu with "tru".
    it is, however, the only cu with a ceo whose ego and poor judgement with waste member money on a frivolous lawsuit and a tower in the parking lot that "measures" customer service.
    the members and board of truliant may never tru ly understand how tr uly clowninsh he has been.
