Thursday, April 11, 2013

Most Profitable Large Credit Unions for 2012

The following tables list the fifty most profitable credit unions with at least $500 million in assets.

Arrowhead Central Credit Union was the most profitable credit union with a return to average assets (ROAA) of 3.66 percent. The next most profitable credit union was Arizona FCU with an ROAA of 3.37 percent (see recent post on the credit union charging a $3 per month membership fee). Rounding out the top five are Rogue FCU, Progressive CU, and Lake Michigan CU. All five credit unions had an ROAA in excess of 3 percent for 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Leggett,
    You should add a column for fee income/avg assets.
    There are some great credit unions here.
    There are some fee hungry credit unions here that would have no ROA were it not for fees and spinning funds from reserves.

    Cuna (cu not accountable) is having a hard time keeping the charade going. The larger, well run credit unions continue to distance themselves from the charade.
    Glad our board decided to drop the dues sucking charade.
    As we watch, the "movement" try to keep the lid on the unraveling.
