Monday, March 5, 2012

Space Coast CU Number 1 in Consumer Complaints

Space Coast Credit Union is in a galaxy of its own when it comes to consumer complaints.

According to the Florida Bank Complaint Analysis, an annual statewide analysis of consumer complaints conducted by Miami economist and bank consultant Ken Thomas, Melbourne-based Space Coast Credit Union had 48 complaints last year. When controlled for size, Space Coast CU had nearly three times as many complaints than any other institution.

Read the story.


  1. Interesting that this didn't make the CU trade press.

  2. Complaints to whom?

  3. The consumer complaints were filed with the Florida Division of Financial Institutions.

  4. whose idea was it for space coast to merge eastern? who did the due diligence on that merger?

  5. The South Florida Business Journal presented the facts in a clear,more objective manner.

  6. Why are space coast cu.chargnig mony to my bank acount.

  7. The facts here are presented incorrectly. It was ranked highest in complaints of any credit union, not of any banking institution. Wells Fargo ranked highest of any institution at 121, Bank of America was second with 114.
